Corn and Tomato Salsa

I believe that food can have a large impact on your mood for the day. My wife has the same thing for breakfast every single day. Each morning she goes for a run and has a large bowl of the little wheat squares with milk. She loves Shreddies cereal and if she opens up the pantry and see that the box is empty, there is a bit of disappointment. She gets over it. Don’t think that she cannot function or something if there are no Shreddies. It’s just that Shreddies starts her day off right.
For me on the other hand, I like variety. This morning, I had a croissant and an orange. Yesterday I had a bowl of Cheerrios and the day before that I had yogurt and fruit. If I had the same thing every day, I would be bored with it. I just love the differences of peoples personalities. For my wife, the same thing for breakfast provides a sense of stability and a consistent way to start the day. I prefer something new, a sense of adventure, waking up wondering “What will I have for breakfast today?!?!” Yes, I am a wild man – my sense of adventure comes from my choice of breakfast.
Back to my first sentence, food can impact your day. This corn salsa is sure to brighten up your day. I made a triple batch of this recipe and we have enjoyed it many times. I have five different kinds of homemade salsa in our downstairs pantry and we usually bring up a jar or two when company is over. The corn salsa is consistently the most popular and gets finished off first every time.
There are so many different flavours in this salsa, from the sweet tomato, to the chunkiness of the corn, peppers and onions. There is a hint of spice with the jalapeno, cayenne and cumin but it is not overpowering. The fresh cilantro added at the end of the cooking process provides a bright fresh herb flavour.
Corn and Tomato Salsa
- 12 ears of corn , cut off cob
- 7 pounds of tomatoes , diced
- 2 large onions , diced
- 2 orange peppers , diced
- 3 jalapeno peppers , minced
- 3 cups vinegar
- 3 limes juiced
- 1 1/4 cups sugar
- 1 1/2 tbsp salt
- 1 1/2 tbsp cumin
- 1 tsp cayenne pepper
- 3/4 cup fresh cilantro , chopped
- Cut the kernels off the cob by placing the base of the ear on a cutting board and start the knife at the top cutting the kernels off as you work your way down.
- Add all ingredients except the cilantro to a large pot.
- Bring the salsa to a boil and lower to a high simmer.
- Keep it at a very low boil for 2 hours, stirring often.
- Stir in cilantro and ladle salsa into sterilized jars leaving 1/2 inch space at the top of the jar.
- Process jars in a hot water bath. 15 minutes for 250 and 20 minutes for 500 ml jars